The Fourth Annual 2A International Architectural Conference- Tehran

The Fourth Annual 2A International Architectural Conference
New Standards in Today’s Architecture



Ahmad Zohadi
Keynote Speaker:

I would like to state that, Our position and belief in 2A magazine is that, The architectural designs in the contemperory era, should consider, Keep and use its traditional identity, while at the same time incorprate the new and modern methods of architecture where they maybe more practical
and suitable for today’s need.

Golmar Khatibi

Mirror mirror on the wall, on present and past Architects builders and Artists have tried to create illusion and awe ever since there is a record of buildings.It is the course of this illusion making through history and culture which is the subject of this presentation.

Faryar Javaherian

The most extensive repertory of Persian Garden designs is to be found in our carpet designs. If we look closely to our carpet designs, we can see that all the various types of garden designs are represented in them. I am not a carpet specialist, but I am a garden scholar, so according to my knowledge of the Persian Garden, I have looked at the Persian carpet and established a typology of Persian carpets, and because the carpet is also always present in the Persian Garden, I have also addressed that issue.

Bahram Shirdel

Architecture ; Transformation of socio-geographic phenomena Architectural wisdom and craftsmanship of this region belongs to the geography and the social structure the people of this land. It maybe transformable; but cannot be imported into this geography from another part of the world.

Michelle P.Howard

Vienna and its Academy of Fine Arts architectural cultures, roots, beliefs and customs

In 1688, the painter Peter Strudel opened a private academy which was to become the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. At that time Vienna was the centre of the Holy Roman Empire under its Emperor Leopold I. The full title of Leopold after he had become emperor went as follows: Leopold I, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King of Germany, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Luxemburg, of the Higher and Lower Silesia, of Württemberg and Teck, Prince of Swabia, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg and Goritia, Landgrave of Alsace, Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgovia, the Enns, the Higher and Lower Lusace, Lord of the Marquisate of Slavonia, of Port Naon and Salines, etc. etc


Hooman Balazadeh

Architecture of light and Brick The relation between the past and the present achievements is a typical issue that was propounded during the time, so to reach this goal many experiences has taken place. But the main issue of this efforts is to attain a new express of the past definitions and achievements. Making connection between the past concept and the modern technology would create novel methods that could increase the architectural knowledge of any region.A significant part in development process of any knowledge is up to dating it. Presentation of the cultural and historical values of a country and transforming them in a new form by applying modern technology was experienced in some usual projects. Making relation with Iranian architecture, in six projects was experienced by using special material such as brick and glaze and concept of applying light and color.

Christian Frohlich

4 criteria for contemporary architecture

This presentation aims to define 4 basic criteria for a contemporary approach towards design methods which stands for a paradigm shift from the golden idea” to a research based attitude which generates architectural proposals mainly by observing things more closely. This methods were developed over the last years at the institute of art and architecture, academy of fine arts vienna, within the platform CMT Construction. Material. Technology. „How to design?” is one of the most basic questions an architect could ask. Hans Hollein one of the most well-known architects from vienna and alumni of the academy of fine arts, mentioned once back in the 1960ies: “Architects should finally stop thinking in materials only”. What I would like to point out in this conference by giving a brief introduction into several projects, is the role of the medium as architectural instrument and the emergence of a new relationship: the one between material and medium, as equal partners and main ingredients for an alternative design approach…

Ali Hamidi moghadam

This article presents a method of sample strategy for a structural development of Tehran. Tehran city embracing Alborz mountain as its oldest and perdurable index, with Zoom In and Zoom Out approaches goes under analysis which results in identifying outstanding points that makes the city development more manageable and accordingly a factor as linking human to city is defined. In that case, the city would be a unified phenomenon in which «Affect of city> and <Affect on the city would comply with the conditions of today’s life. This trigger event leads to human centrality and changing lifestyle of modern man in connection with contemporary city.